Tips For Freshers 2015


All the freshers out there! Hope you are into the course of your choice and if not the college, anyway trust me colleges does not matter and you will come in terms with this truth. Your first step into college can lead you in a great anxiety about a new world of college life that you are stepping into. A world that you imagine to be without restrictions that you had back in school. a world where you test yourself as a holder of responsibility of your own self. Well there is a new level of life waiting for you in the college. Here are a few tips that would help you in get going with the new experience.

At the beginning of the session it is important to be regular in the classroom, as it is the time when you get an idea of the structure of curriculum that you will have to go through. You can bunk the classes but keep the bunking under control as there will be a minimum percentage of required attendance to avoid any academic trouble. Most of the colleges keep 75% as the red mark so that you remain serious about studies.

Be sure that you have completed the enrollment procedures. apart from that you are also suppose to fill up other forms for library cards,  identity card (in some colleges) sports etc. Each college has its own clubs for extra-curricular activities like music, literature, theater groups, debating clubs dance, photography etc. so make sure you also pursue your interest through joining the respective club of your choice.

Getting into communication for some can be a hard task but it is very important thing one must do at college. You can begin with your own classmates with greeting them and asking about their whereabouts. Apart from your classmates it is very much beneficial to get in touch with your seniors, as they can be very helpful in terms of study material and other advices. Getting to know dealing staff of various counters at college and your teachers is also important so that you do not lag behind in any work and you know whom to approach for a particular work to be done.

Every college has many hot points to check out therefore you must look around your college and get in terms with the hangout places and food points.  At many colleges you will find some or the other distinct quality of its own, they have their own distinct activity and you seniors would be the best people to inform you about it. However do not let go off any attempt of ragging, harassment or bullying upon you report it to the authority immediately. Though most of the colleges do not indulge into ragging.


After all it is your college time so do not forget to enjoy your self. Make new friends, hangout, and be a good boy/girl.



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