The following are the minimum eligibility requirements for being called for interview for admission to various courses, subject to meeting other applicable eligibility requirements.

S. No. Course Category Science
1 B.A. Programme GEN 96.00 96.50 96.00
SC 92.00 92.50 92.00
ST 92.00 92.50 92.00
COTH 84.00 84.50 84.00
CNI 81.00 81.50 81.00
CNID 81.00 81.50 81.00
CST 83.00 83.50 83.00
CPwD 81.00 81.50 81.00
PwD 92.00 92.50 92.00
URDU 76.00 76.50 76.00
2 Economics GEN 97.50 98.50 97.00 Maths 90%
SC 94.50 95.50 94.00 Maths 87%
ST 93.50 94.50 93.00 Maths 86%
COTH 94.50 95.50 94.00 Maths 87%
CNI 82.50 83.50 82.00 Maths 75%
CNID 82.50 83.50 82.00 Maths 75%
CST 82.50 83.50 82.00 Maths 75%
CPwD 82.50 83.50 82.00 Maths 75%
PwD 87.50 88.50 87.00 Maths 80%
3 Mathematics GEN 97.25 97.25 96.00 Include Maths in BFS
SC 93.25 93.25 92.00 Include Maths in BFS
ST 93.25 93.25 92.00 Include Maths in BFS
COTH 93.25 93.25 92.00 Include Maths in BFS
CNI 82.25 82.25 81.00 Include Maths in BFS
CNID 82.25 82.25 81.00 Include Maths in BFS
CST 83.25 83.25 82.00 Include Maths in BFS
CPwD 82.25 82.25 81.00 Include Maths in BFS
PwD 82.25 82.25 81.00 Include Maths in BFS
4 English GEN 97.75 99.00 97.50 Eng. Core 90%  or  Elec. Eng. 85%
SC 95.75 97.00 95.50 Eng. Core 88%  or  Elec. Eng. 83%
ST 95.75 97.00 95.50 Eng. Core 88%  or  Elec. Eng. 83%
COTH 95.75 97.00 95.50 Eng. Core 88%  or  Elec. Eng. 83%
CNI 87.75 89.00 87.50 Eng. Core 80%  or  Elec. Eng. 75%
CNID 89.75 91.00 89.50 Eng. Core 82%  or  Elec. Eng. 77%
CST 92.75 94.00 92.50 Eng. Core 85%  or  Elec. Eng. 80%
CPwD 82.75 84.00 82.50 Eng. Core 80%  or  Elec. Eng. 75%
PwD 94.75 96.00 94.50 Eng. Core 87%  or  Elec. Eng. 82%
5 History GEN 97.75 98.00 96.75
SC 93.75 94.00 92.75
ST 93.75 94.00 92.75
COTH 91.75 92.00 90.75
CNI 82.75 83.00 81.75
CNID 82.75 83.00 81.75
CST 93.75 94.00 92.75
CPwD 82.75 83.00 81.75
PwD 93.75 94.00 92.75
6 Philosophy GEN 96.75 96.75 96.75
SC 91.75 91.75 91.75
ST 91.75 91.75 91.75
COTH 92.75 92.75 92.75
CNI 81.75 81.75 81.75
CNID 81.75 81.75 81.75
CST 91.75 91.75 91.75
CPwD 81.75 81.75 81.75
PwD 91.75 91.75 91.75
7 Sanskrit GEN 75.00 75.00 70.00
SC 70.00 70.00 65.00
ST 70.00 70.00 65.00
COTH 60.00 60.00 55.00
CNI 60.00 60.00 55.00
CNID 60.00 60.00 55.00
CST 60.00 60.00 55.00
CPwD 50.00 50.00 45.00
PwD 50.00 50.00 45.00



S. No. Course Category Science(PCM/PMC)  
8 Chemistry GEN 96.66 PCM (PHY, CHEM, MATH)
  SC 92.66
  ST 91.66
  COTH 86.66
  CNI 81.66
  CNID 81.66
  CST 81.66
  CPwD 81.66
  PwD 81.66
9 Physics GEN 97.00 PCM (PHY, CHEM, MATH)
  SC 93.00
  ST 93.00
  COTH 87.00
  CNI 82.00
  CNID 82.00
  CST 82.00
  CPwD 72.00
  PwD 82.00
10 B.Sc. Programme (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) GEN 96.00 PCM (PHY, CHEM, MATH)
  SC 91.00
  ST 91.00
  COTH 81.00
  CNI 81.00
  CNID 81.00
  CST 81.00
  CPwD 81.00
  PwD 81.00
11 B.Sc. Programme (Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sc.) GEN 97.00 PCM (PHY, CHEM/COMP.Sc., MATH)
  SC 92.00
  ST 92.00
  COTH 92.00
  CNI 82.00
  CNID 82.00
  CST 82.00
  CPwD 82.00
  PwD 82.00
GEN General (Non Christian)
SC/ST Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (Non Christian)
CST General Scheduled Tribe
CNI Church of North India
CNID CNI Delhi Diocese
COTH Christian Others
PwD Person With Disability
CPwD Christian, Person With Disability
URDU URDU Candidate



St Stephen’s College, Church of North India, is a Christian constituent college of the University of Delhi located in Delhi, India. It was established by the Cambridge Mission to India. The college admits both undergraduates and post-graduates, and awards degrees under the purview of the University.

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