How Our Parents and We are This Much Related

Parenting is what most of us are going to face in future and parents are what most of us have. So it is always better to look into the matter and learn about it before we face it in our lives. So all the future good parents of DU, Happy Parenting India has come up with a brilliant video that portrays how the act of parenting should actually take place. The video uses a beautiful allegory of a potter doing his work of pottery and also the video gives out the glimpses of best moments of parenting. Happy Parenting India is an initiative that looks after into the art of good parenting in India. It is a small 1:46 Minutes video that begins with a potter doing his pottery, he shapes his ware and takes perfect care of it and transforms it from a mold of clay to a perfectly shaped vase. He gives his best untiring effort in order to make the best out of clay he also uses his skills and experience that grooms the ware which he is making. It is directly related to the way parents groom a child. It takes strategy, skills and of a standard order in the sphere of child psychology and human development. It takes your effort in order to learn what a good parenting is and it takes sensible steps that you need to take towards a good parenting. This can be a great add on to our parenting as we have seen many parents fail in these times.

Keep yourself safe from any risk of running into bad parenting. Understand yourself, your role as a parent and understand the needs of your child, and at last understand the relation between you and your child and act wise.  We wish you all the luck with your parenting

Watch the video Here


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