Janhit Mei Jaari: A campaign to change the conversation about Sex Ed in India

Are you a student in Delhi University?

How much do you know about sexual health?

Would you like to help us understand sexual behaviour among university students?

According to a 2017 study carried out with young adults from colleges in Bangalore indicated that participants i.e. college students between the ages of 18-25 years have poor knowledge of sexuality. This translates to young adults who are ill-informed about their own sexual health and wellbeing. Based on the 2015-16 data of the NFHS, Indian males are mostly likely to have had their first sexual intercourse by the age of 20-24 years whereas the peak age for women is comparatively lower at 15-19 years, with adolescent pregnancies showing a steady increase.

The constant stigma and lack of awareness that surrounds sexual health, coupled with unfounded beliefs creates a context wherein university students do not have sources to turn to when they most need it.

Pratisandhi Foundation is a youth-led non profit organisation working towards sexual health and education among adolescents and the youth community in India. As an organisation for and by the youth, Pratisandhi believes in tackling the issue at a grassroots level by attempting to overcome gaps in current educational curriculums by mobilising the benefits of peer education, and creating a judgement-free, relatable platform for the youth.

With adolescents and young adults engaging in sexual activity earlier in their life, rates of unwanted pregnancies and STIs/HIV are rising. While overall trends are alarming, there is a severe lack of data and understanding about the sexual health knowledge and behaviour of young adults. To develop effective strategies and policies, we strive to better understand the needs and current status of sexual health knowledge and behaviour among students of Delhi University.

If you are a student who is currently enrolled in Delhi University, we invite you to take out fifteen minutes from your day and fill this survey. The survey consists of four sections containing primarily objective type questions revolving around sex and sexuality.

Stay tuned to more updates from Pratisandhi Foundation and find out what DU thinks about sexual education!

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