DevFest’15 by Leaders for Tomorrow – Coming Soon!

Leaders For Tomorrow is a not-for-profit youth movement established in India whose members mainly consist of college students. The main motive of Leaders For Tomorrow (LFT) is to awaken the social consciousness of the youth thereby encouraging volunteerism and social action among them. They conduct programmes such as Cleanliness Drives, Plantation Drives, and Visits for Compassion to Shelter homes etc. with the youth; and conduct regular skill development and leadership programmes for the students.

They recently had their Development Week in order to promote their upcoming annual fest ‘Dev’15’.
Their Development week had a lot of enthusiastic activities to engage in and was thus held extensively
held throughout the week from 21-26 March. They had a flash mob on 23 March at Hauz Khas Village to promote their fest. They had a Flash Mob and a Collection Drive from 24-26 march at VishwaVidyala Metro Station to collect clothes, books, stationary items and slippers which went for donation. They also held a Mass Cleanathon Drive in the Satya Niketan Market on 25 March. Throughout the week such events kept them promoting their fest.
Date with Development

The Date with Development’15 is to be held on 28 March which is to take place at Hungarian Cultural Center, Khan Market. It has an array of activities that will take place and the registrations for which had been opened online for students from various colleges to register. The major activities comprise of Photography, Face painting, Essay writing, Poster making, Best out of Waste, Street Play, Collage making, Poetry writing, etc. to name most of them. Other than competitions, there will be Panel Discussions, Cultural and Band Performances. There will be a Culture Gully and an innovatively liberating Graffiti Wall so that everyone can doodle their mind out. The event seems to be very promising in terms of development and opportunities.

The main motive is to bring out the best in students and encourage them to come under one platform and experience development. Mark the calendars on 28th of March to attend the not to be missed fest by Leaders for Tomorrow. It will be held at Hungarian Center, Janpath.


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