Delhi University gives guidelines for Internal Assessments

Delhi University finally passed a notice regarding the internal assessments. As per the procedure, Internal Assessments used to include three sections i.e, 1st Class Test, 2Nd Tutorial Tests, 3rd Attendance. Now, Internal Assessments only have a single section i.e, Internal.
The assignments will be given to the students for the Semester by the teachers via e-mail. Internal assessments are compulsory to be conducted through IT Tools. Teachers will send the assignment in the advised pattern to the students through e-mail. The top of the assignment sheet must include the Name of the student, Semester, Program name, and title of the paper. Students have to submit the assignments within the time period told by the teachers via e-mail only.
The teacher will evaluate the assignments and submit the result sheet to the principal of the college and under Post Graduation Programs, teachers will have to submit the result sheet to the Head of the Department.
If students have already completed the assignments as per the earlier Internal assignments rule, then the teacher will score them and submit the result sheet to the principal of the college.
Full attendance will be given to students for the time period of Covid-19 and internal assignment will be leniently checked and marked.
As per the examination process for Practical Courses, the teacher will give an assignment based on the already performed experiments via e-mail. Solved assignment sheet should have included the Name of the student, Semester, Program name, and title of the paper on the top and must be submitted to the teacher via e-mail under the time period given by the teacher.
The practical, viva-voce, and oral examination which is required to be done for the completion of the degree of 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd-year student for any technical or practical course, will be taken through skype or any other similar app by the teachers.Delhi University Internal AssessmentsDelhi University Internal Assessments

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