Delhi University Diploma Courses Eligibility and Criteria in 2023


Delhi University Diploma Courses:

Delhi University Diploma Courses: Delhi University provides Diploma courses of 1 year apart from your main subjects. Interested candidates have to fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria and should check the official website for further information and exams pattern. You don’t need to go through any cut-offs, simply visit the website where you are getting the course of your choice.
These diploma courses have limited seats and the fee structure also varies from course to course.

Here is a list of some diploma courses provided by the University of Delhi:

Certificate/Diploma in Foreign Language  Diploma in Bulgarian Language
 Diploma in Business Journalism & Corporate Communication  Diploma in Croatian Language
 Diploma in Czech Language  Diploma in D.A.
 Diploma in D.C.H.  Diploma in D.G.O.
 Diploma in D.L.O.  Diploma in D.M.R.D.
 Diploma in D.O.  Diploma in Foreign Language Education
 Diploma in French Language  Diploma in German Language
 Diploma in Hungarian Language  Diploma in Italian
 Diploma in Modern Arabic  Diploma in Pali Language & Literature
 Diploma in Persian  Diploma in Pharmacy
 Diploma in Polish Language  Diploma in Punjabi
 Diploma in Russian language  Diploma course in Sanskrit
 Diploma in Spanish Language  Diploma Course in Swahili Language
Diploma in Tibetan Language & Literature  

Advanced Diploma Courses:

Advanced Diploma in Applied Linguistics Advanced Diploma in Bulgarian Language
 Advanced Diploma in Croation Language  Advanced Diploma in Czech Language
 Advanced Diploma in French  Advanced Diploma in German
 Advanced Diploma in Hungarian Language  Advanced Diploma in Italian
 Advanced Diploma in Modern Arabic  Advanced Diploma in Persian
 Advanced Diploma in Polish Language  Advanced Diploma in Russian Language
 Advanced Diploma in Spanish  

Intensive Advanced Diploma:

Regular Intensive Advanced Diploma Course in Bulgarian One Year (Full Time) Advanced Diploma in Russian

PG Diploma Courses:

PG Diploma Translation (English-Hindi) PG Diploma Hindi Journalism
Post MA Diploma Linguistics Post MA Diploma in Palaeography
Post MA Diploma in Persian Advance Translation & Interpretation Post MA Diploma in Translation & Mass Media
Post MA Diploma Urdu Palaeography PG Intensive Diploma in Korean Language
PG Intensive Diploma in Chinese Language PG Intensive Diploma in Japanese Language
PG Intensive Advance Diploma in Japanese Language PG Instensive Advanced Diploma in Korean Language
PG Instensive Advanced Diploma in Chinese Language PG Diploma in International Marketing (PGDIM)
PG Diploma in Business Journalism and Corporate Communication (PG-DBJCC)

Eligibility Criteria for Diploma Language Course

  • For admission to Diploma courses in foreign languages at DU, candidates must have passed the certification exam of Delhi University.
  • The admission will be on the basis of merit.
  • Candidates who have a language certificate from any institute other than the University of Delhi will be required to take up the admission test.

Eligibility Criteria for Advanced Diploma Course

  • For admission to the advanced diploma courses, candidates should have passed the diploma exam in the respective language.
  • Candidates who have a diploma in the respective language other than Delhi University will have to appear in an admission test.

Delhi University Diploma Course Fee:

Different Delhi University Diploma Courses have different fee structures. For applying to a specific diploma course, students are first required to pay the application fee. The DU Application fees for different categories are summed up in the following table:

S. No.


Fee (in INR)


General / OBC



Extra-Curricular Activities / Sports Quota



SC/ST/Persons with Disability


Depending on the type and duration of the diploma course, the course fee structure varies. After paying the admission fee, students are required to pay semester wise or yearly fee before the last date of fee submission to avoid the late fee. The examination fee for diploma courses related examinations is to be paid while filling the diploma course examination. Some diploma courses allow students to participate in extra-curricular activities. The fee for such activities is not included in the diploma course fee and hence, needs to be submitted separately. The sports fee is also to be paid separately other than the diploma course fee.

Delhi University Diploma Cut-off:

The cut-offs for different diploma courses offered by Delhi University are released in five rounds. The rounds continue until the seats are completely filled for a specific diploma course. Students interested in taking admission in diploma courses offered by Delhi University are required to clear the cut-off for becoming eligible to attend counseling.

The announcement of the different cut-off rounds depends on the availability of seats. For example, if seats available for a specific diploma course are completely filled after the announcement of the third cut-off round, then there will be no fourth and fifth cut-off rounds.

These Diploma courses help in broadening the career aspects and also Delhi university provides a great atmosphere to learn new things and polish skills. These courses have short duration and have long term benefit.

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Read: Add-On Courses Offered by Various Colleges in Delhi University

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Also Read: Delhi University Admission Guide

Foreign Languages Courses In Delhi University

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