Interview with Rhea Sachdeva, President of Glitz- Fashion Society of Kamala Nehru College

Pranati Bhatia from DU Times spoke to Rhea Sachdeva (President of Glitzfashion society of Kamala Nehru College) about the changing trends and a few fashion tips.

Rhea is pursuing Journalism honours from Kamala Nehru College, Delhi university. She sees herself as a fashion magazine editor in few years. Apart from this, she is into blogging and has done a few collaborations with companies like Ajio and Lifestyle. She believes it is important to remember that we all have magic inside us


Pranati Bhatia: Could you give a quick makeup tip for the season?

Rhea Sachdeva: That’s a great question. Make up is applied to express what we really want to show in our shows. We try to make it as grand as our garments. So a tip from my side is- don’t forget to apply the primer and perfect base and experiment with make up as much as you can. To bring out the best, you have to keep learning and trying.

Pranati Bhatia: Which are the colour/colours of the month according to you?

Rhea Sachdeva: To be very honest, I don’t believe in colour of month or year. Black is our all-time colour. Last year we had black, white and red. This time, we’ll go for something different. So, rather than following the trending colours, we try to make the trend of colours we use.

Pranati Bhatia: According to you, what is the latest trend in South Campus these days?

Rhea Sachdeva: According to me, trend is all about making an impact. Confidence is all time trend of South campus. But for temporary fashion trend, dresses with white shoes are growing like flames.

Pranat Bhatia: What plays a major role in the fashion style statement of an individual?

Rhea Sachdeva: Confidence, confidence, confidence! And of course, comfort. Confidence can never go out of style. If a person is wearing designer clothes and not feeling comfortable, it will never make an impact. But even if a person is wearing something simple and feeling utmost confident and comfortable, it will not only make an impact, but also inspire others.

Pranati Bhatia: Faux fur stilettos or faux fur flip flop slippers. Which one and why?

Rhea Sachdeva: It depends on the occasion and the event totally. And also, the dress we are pairing with it. I personally love heels, so any girl who is comfortable in heels, plus it goes with event and outfit, should definitely go for stilettos. But if it’s a normal day and simple outfit, I would not suggest anyone to go for heels, I’ll definitely go for something more comfortable, that is faux fur flip flop.

Pranati Bhatia: From which source are shows by glitz majorly inspired?

Rhea Sachdeva: We look up fashion designers who are into Avant Garde. Last year we had inspiration from Lee Alexander McQueen which were followed by few more designers. Also, we have our design team to mould their garments a bit so that we don’t present exact same. This year we are planning to go for something even bigger to depict our theme plus make an impact to all the viewers.

Pranati Bhatia: What does glitz have in store for its upcoming events?

Rhea Sachdeva: Glitz has always been known to come up with out of the box shows. We not only work for our garments and props, but also experiment with our makeup and hairstyles. As told above, we don’t follow what’s trendy, we make our own trend to inspire others. We are planning to come up with something unique, to make a difference.

Pranati Bhatia: So, as you know there are freshers to whom the environment of DU is new and they are baffled with the way trends keep changing. What is the one tip you’d like to share with them so that they can keep up with the changing trends?

Rhea Sachdeva: Confidence is the key girls. Whatever you do, whatever you wear, dress up, look up, walk like you own the place, and inspire others to be like you. It’s okay if you feel nervous at times, you all just need to know, that you are the queens of the world. Conquer the world with your positive attitude, confidence, and a smile on your face.

Pranati Bhatia: One mantra that keeps beauty and mind in place?

Rhea Sachdeva: “Know your worth”. When you know how important you are to yourself, you’ll make time to make your mind active, you’ll make time to take care of yourself, you’ll make time to make you the best version of yourself. You are beautiful and you are intelligent, know this and keep working on yourself, you are your own hero.

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